Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
تقييم حالات المرضى المصابين بالفشل الكلوي المزمن الخاضعين للغسيل الكلوي.
Subject : Faculty of Nursing 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Background: End Stage Kidney Disease (ESKD) is a significant health problem in Saudi Arabia. The number of people requiring hemodialysis therapy in Saudi Arabia is growing, which poses challenges for health professionals and increases the client physical, psychological, social, spiritual and economical concerns. Aimed of study: To assess the concerns of end-stage kidney disease client undergoing hemodialysis therapy. Design: Descriptive analytical design has been used. Setting: this study was carried out Hemodialysis center at Al-Noor Specialist Hospital, Makkah city, Saudi Arabia during seven months from April to October 2016. Sample: The sample of this study was: Convenience sample from 250 clients. Tools: Tool I- demographic and clinical data, Tool II- Questionnaire to assess concerns of end stage kidney diseases client undergoing hemodialysis therapy. Results: There were statistically significant difference in physical, psychological, social, spiritual and economical concerns at (p-value≤ 0.050). Nearly three quarter (74.0%) of the clients had psychological concerns, (72.4%) had social concerns and (71.6%) had physical concerns. Nearly half of clients had spiritual concerns (49.2%) and exactly half of clients (50%) had economic concerns. Conclusions: The current study concluded that, there were statistically significant difference in physical, psychological, social, spiritual and economical concerns. Recommendation: Implement an educational workshop for Nephrology nurses about the important of accurate assessment and developed teaching program of ESKD for assessment client concerns undergoing hemodialysis therapy in a different area and culture. Keywords: Concerns -End Stage Kidney Disease -Hemodialysis 
Supervisor : Dr. Samah Safar 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1439 AH
2018 AD
Added Date : Thursday, June 7, 2018 


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أسماء حمزة برناويBarnawy, Asma HamzaResearcherMaster 


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