Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
The Use of Adipose Tissue and Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells in Regeneration of Cleft lip and Alveolus in Dogs
استخدام الخلايا الجذعية من الأنسجة الدهنية والنخاع العظمي في إعادة بناء الشفة المشقوقة والمشقوق السنخي في الكلاب
Subject : Faculty of Dentistry 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : Objectives: To evaluate the therapeutic potential of adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells compared to bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells on healing of surgically created cleft lip and alveolus. Materials and Methods: Split mouth experimental study was performed on twelve healthy and vaccinated mongrel dogs, 12-18 months and weight range of 20kgs. These dogs were treated in accordance with the Ethics of Animal Use in Research Committee (EAURC) authorized by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University. Proposal number: Cu-vet/F/SAR/8/2015, KAU Ethical Approval number: G-54-165-38. The dogs were divided into two groups: In -group A, the experimental side (right side of maxilla), the surgically created cleft lip and alveolus, were transplanted with Adipose Tissue Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (AT-MSCs) and scaffold as well as growth factors. While, in the control side (left side of maxilla) the surgically created cleft lip and alveolus, were filled with scaffold and growth factors only. In-group B, the experimental side (right side of maxilla) the surgically created cleft lip and alveolus, were transplanted with Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (BM-MSCs) and scaffold as well as growth factors. The control side (left side of maxilla) the surgically created cleft lip and alveolus, were transplanted with scaffold and growth factors only. The flaps were replaced and sutured with resorbable sutures. Six dogs were scarified at one month and half, and the other six dogs at three months. The collected samples were submitted to radiographic examination and histopathology lab for further investigations. Results: AT-MSCs as well as BM-MSCs are a valuable source for bone regeneration and soft tissue healing. They both secrete healing markers (VEGF, collagen, TGF, and ALP) that paly significant role in restoring the bone and soft tissue integrity. AT-MSCs and BM-MSCs effects were documented radiographically and histologically and immunohistochemically, as there were areas of bone formation, new vascularization, complete epithelization as well as radiopaque areas covering the defects that assure great potentiality toward healing. Stem cells whether AT-MSCs or BM-MSCs accelerate the healing and regeneration of the defected area by increasing the bone width and surface area; providing bone quantity and quality as early as 1.5 months allowing for early therapeutic involvement. Conclusion: AT-MSCs and BM-MSCs are an attractive tool in bone regeneration and soft tissue healing. AT-MSCs in experimental studies showed that their effectiveness is comparable to BM-MSCs, in addition to its low cost, ease of harvesting and safer procedure to obtain stem cells as well as less risk of infection. 
Supervisor : Prof. Najlaa Alamoudi 
Thesis Type : Doctorate Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1438 AH
2017 AD
Co-Supervisor : Dr. Eman Elashiry 
Added Date : Thursday, August 3, 2017 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
ريم محمد اللاركياLarkia, Reem MohamedResearcherDoctorate 


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