Document Details

Document Type : Thesis 
Document Title :
دراسة واقع ممارسات معلمة الروضة في تنمية الاستعداد للتعبير الكتابي لطفل ما قبل المدرسة”
Subject : Faculty of Home Economics 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : This study aims to measure practices of government al kindergarten teachers in Jeddah for developing the readiness of written expression. And to know their real practices in developing readiness of pre-school child in written expression, the researcher used in the study the descriptive analytical approach to describe reality and to give recommendations and practical measures which help in improving and developing. The sample consists of (93) teachers from the government kindergarten teachers in Jeddah of the two stages ( second and pre-Kindergarten ), representing (31.21% ) of the study society, the researcher prepared a questionnaire of (30) questions divided into three fields: (theoretical knowledge- environmental design- planning activites), and she designed a note card divided into three areas: ( before- during-after) providing activities in readiness of written expression to (30)teachers representing (32.25%) of study population, and by analyzing the data statistically and calculating the( arithmetic mean= AM) values and the standard deviation; the study results showed that the teachers responses degree to the practices in the questionnaire were rare under (Rarely) AM (m=2.43) from (5) in three fields: (theoretical knowledge- environmental design- planning activites), also the results showed that the practices of the kindergarten government teachers in Jeddah for the two stages (KG2- KG3) before presenting the activities of readiness in written expression is under (Not Available) with a mean ((m = 1.83)out of (2), and during presenting the activities of readiness in written expression is under (Not Available) with arithmetic mean (m = 1.16)out of (2), and after presenting the activities of readiness in written expression is also under (Not Available) with arithmetic mean (m = 1.52) out of (2), the study results declared a compatibility and convergence results of the two questionnaire and note tools that ; kindergarten teachers practices in readiness of written expression need development , instructing and training to embrace new strategies, and effective techniques, scientific practices to improve children readiness for written expression,The researcher submitted number of recommendations, including: the necessity to include the objectives, content and methods of evaluating the subjects taught to students of the Department of Childhood Studies and train them on the preparation and presentation of activities which contribute to prepare the development of the written expression of pre-school children, train and make kindergarten teachers aware to the latest educational methods in the field of preparing the written expression of the child , enrich the kindergarten environment with various educational means and toys contributes in the development of written expression, and finally those in charge of developing curriculum units in public kindergartens in the city of Jeddah, they should add range of activities which contribute in preparing the development of written expression for pre-school children. 
Supervisor : Dr. Nasima Mustafa Khalidi 
Thesis Type : Master Thesis 
Publishing Year : 1438 AH
2017 AD
Co-Supervisor : Dr. Randa Mohamed El Maghraby 
Added Date : Friday, May 12, 2017 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
رويدة أمين مجليMajle, Rawaiyada AminResearcherMaster 


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