Protocols and guidelines for loans services


The loans service is considered one of the most important services which the library offers to users. The goal of the external loans system is to provide a wide variety of books which can be read off-campus to allow more time for reading.

The following library resources are not available for loan:

  • Arabic and foreign reference materials
  • Arabic and foreign journals
  • Studies and theses even if the author has given permission
  • Specialist collections
  • Resources stored electronically,  such as on CD – Roms.
  • Any books of which there is only one copy, or they may need repairing. 

 Procedures for becoming a member of the library :

The following documents are required with the application form :

A. University students :

All registered students can apply for library membership with certain requirements :

  1. A valid university ID card (original)
  2. A copy of the student’s schedule  

B: Teaching staff :

They should provide the following documents :

  • A university employee ID card (original )

C: Management staff:

They should provide the following documents :

 A university employee ID card (original)  

D: Users from outside the university

They should provide the following documents :

  • A personal ID Card (original).
  • A letter of identification from the client's supervising institution. 
  • Financial insurance

Book borrowing procedures :

  • Members can borrow any book after passing them on borrowing machine and handing the borrowing card to the security staff at the exit of the library.  
  • Members can borrow books and return them by themselves by using self-lending machine.
  • No one can borrow books by using another member's account, the borrower must come personally.
  • Users can borrow books from Umm Al-Qura University through exchangeable borrowing system, after following the following procedures:  

1-   Filling an electronic application form for exchangeable borrowing which is available on the website of the deanship of Libraries  affaires.

2-   Presenting university  ID card or the courses schedule.  

  • Teaching faculty members and higher education students can borrow books from the central library (Male Section) by filling an electronic application which is available on the website of the deanship of Libraries affaires.
  • Teaching faculty staff and high education students can borrow references only if they have a membership at the lending section according to the followed system at the references section. 
  • Members and users must inform their supervisors if they lose their ID card or the  membership card.


The following table clarifies the allowable limits of borrowing period and number of borrowed books for users ' categories :


Books limits

Borrowing period

Teaching faculty staff


120 Days



60 Days

Higher education students



Regular students



Excellence students



University's staff



External students




Returning books :

  • The user or member must return borrowed books before the end of the borrowing period and give them to the supervisor or returning them by herself through self-lending machine.
  • Books that are returned in time  can be brought by anyone to the lending section.
  • Lending section send a notification for late books via a phone call or email. 
  • The borrower must return the books before the end of the borrowing period to avoid fines.


Renewing borrowing period: 

  • Members can renew the borrowing period before its end within two days by coming directly to the lending section or use the electronic system.


Fines for late and missing books:

  • Late books will not be accepted till the borrower herself comes to return them.
  • Members who are late in returning borrowed books will be deprived from borrowing up to two times of the delay days.
  • In case of losing books or damaging them  accidentally   by the user, the library gives her a chance to bring an identical copy or pay a fine estimated by the library.
  • If the lost  or damaged book is a part of a collection, the borrower should bring the exact alternative copy or pay  a fine for the entire collection.


Procedures of disclaiming:

  • The user must receive a disclaiming certificate from the library, in case she graduates, leaves the university, retires, or ends her contract, after confirming that there are no late books or unpaid fines in her account.   
  • The lending supervisor is responsible for any mistake within the procedures of disclaiming. 
  • Electronic disclaiming certificate will be send via the electronic system to faculty and university staff. 

Last Update
9/8/2012 11:12:33 AM