Protocols and guidelines concerning the library programs and activities

The Deanship of Library Affairs believes that activities and programs have an important role in enhancing the users  awareness and knowledge. During the academic year, the Deanship prepares several short courses in many fields such as self-development. It also prepares books discussions, book reviews, and lectures. The main purpose of these activities is to encourage reading and seeking knowledge. These programs are organized with the corporation of the teaching staff, specialized trainers, and members of  the library’s Talented  Friends Club.    

The Deanship’s main goal behind all  the activities and programs is to fulfil  the needs of the users and members and encourage  them to visit the library more. They also help to develop  library  skills by working out more  effective methods of performance.

To send any suggestions about the activities to the Deanship following procedures should be followed: 

Registration :

  • An application form should be completed with details about the nature of the activity and the name of the supervisor.
  • The time and place of the activity is determined according to a coordinated schedule between the supervisor and the coordinator of the activities. If there is no appropriate place or time, the activity will be delayed to the next semester and it then becomes a priority. The coordinator will update the supervisor about any changes.

Main rules:

  • Mutual respect and good manners are expected.
  • The supervisor should be dressed appropriately and modestly.
  • The activity or course must not exceed three hours maximum in one day. In exceptional situations the coordinator can conduct the activity over two days maximum depending on the nature of the activity.    
  • The subject of the courses or activities can be related to any field of knowledge. Any subject is welcomed.  However, subjects related to the library’s goals of encouraging reading and research are preferable.   
  • Each activity supervisor has  the opportunity to present   one activity per semester, to allow for the biggest variety of activities. When the coordinator finds that users and members require a certain activity, it can be repeated the following semester.
  • The  supervisor of an activity must show commitment to the schedule and timeline of her activity. Otherwise, she will not be given another chance . If the activity is cancelled for any reason, the supervisor must inform the coordinator in advance. 
  • Arrangements can be made for Book Fairs with teaching staff according to their schedules. 
  • An agreement for any Book Fairs should be obtained from the Book Fairs Committee at the beginning of the second semester.
  • The timeline is decided according to the university’s calendar considering students exams and official vacations. It cannot be re-arranged and no new appointments can be added. 
  • The Deanship of Library Affairs holds  a closing ceremony for the activities at the end of every year. The ceremony includes honouring those who participated in the activities during the academic year.  
  • The Deanship of Library Affairs reserves the right to modify the conditions and add new ones at any time.

We hope to receive more applications for activities and more participants. Members are kindly requested to assist the library in providing the best service and as such all suggestions are welcomed.  

Last Update
9/9/2012 1:12:13 PM